Pin Badge - My Story Isn't Over Yet
Our exclusive stainless steel pin badges have an enamel finish and feature the mantra "My Story Isn't Over Yet".
This pin badge is available in either a hot pink on a black background, or a white background with the semicolon symbol.
A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;) used as a message of affirmation and solidarity against suicide, self injury, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.
This shows where you, as the author could have chosen to end your sentence, but you didn't...You wanted to end, but you carried on...You have so many more chapters in your journey.
We have 2 designs in our store, Black with Pink or White with Pink.
Wear your pin badge with pride to show the world Your story isn't over yet...
Our pin badges are crafted with love and compassion to create awareness that your "Story isn't over yet" and you have so many more chapters to write....
Pin badge is approx: 3cm x 2cm
*Stainless Steel